Involved with QA since 2012, with the professional brawling game scene since 2004. Likes ice cream, pandas and horror movies.

With 11 years of experience at the company, he has worked on almost every production to date: the Anomaly series, This War of Mine and the studio’s latest game, Frostpunk. Currently leading the technology team on Frostpunk 2, he is experienced in programming, game architecture and the production process. A collector of old games and a lover of their history.

Developer with more than eight years of experience in the industry mainly related to Unity. Currently targeting mobile online RPGs at Rage Quit Games as Senior Unity Developer. Privately an amateur squash player and fan of Sanderson’s books and the Dishonored series.

Scrum Mater first degree, QA Lead with three years of experience in team management, previously graphic designer. On a day-to-day basis, he ensures the quality of Evil Lands and, above all, manages the course of manual testing. After hours, he organises the esports league and does editing and post-production.