Art in Games: 3D Graphics



Saturday, 13.01.2024 / 10. am. - 1 pm. /

free of charge online classes / Zoom platform




Do you play big-budget games? The vast majority of them feature 3D visuals, usually in a realistic convention. Space in Bethesda's Starfield or Baghdad in Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed: Mirage are the most recent examples of great virtual locations that come alive thanks to the work of digital space artists.

So if you like to draw, have a spatial imagination and want to build three-dimensional worlds, then this class is for you. So see you on the Zoom platform on 13 January 2024!




Creating 3D graphics requires specialised software and hardware, but above all technical and creative skills. The latter are best acquired from experienced mentors who can share their knowledge of creating 3D objects in digital worlds.


Weapons of all kinds, crockery and clothing are just examples of objects that an experienced 3D graphic designer can create. It is also about creating the images of characters and elements of the environment, i.e. all the "angular" objects of the game world. It is therefore worth knowing how to go about creating them professionally.


During the meeting, you will discover the know-how of professional 3D graphics design. You will learn, among other things, how to make the viewer interested and how to get a job in this specialisation, and you will also get to know tools useful in the everyday work of an artist.


Come and join us!


  • Zoom

Character Design - from zero to first character. A theoretical and practical guide for beginners.

  • #DD Academy 23/24

In this lecture you will learn how to get started in character design and not get lost in the 3D world. The meeting will be an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of anatomy, proportions, good and bad practices in 3D, as well as the whole process of character creation from the technical side.

  • Zoom

How to effectively texture stylised 3D objects for games - introduction, ideology and system

  • #DD Academy 23/24

Discover the ins and outs of the texture styling system for game models using Adobe Substance Painter. Knowing how to use this tool is particularly valuable as it can reduce the time it takes to work on models even for those without specialist painting skils. You will also learn the basics of the system on which it is built, how to think about material definition and how to extract the essence of the system for stylised textures.

  • Zoom

Techniques for 3D character modelling

  • #DD Academy 23/24

Learn the ins and outs of modelling in Zbrush and creating clothes in Marvelous Designer – understand how different modelling techniques work together to create 3D characters.

CV consultations



For those of you who want to develop your career in gamedev, we have created an opportunity to consult with industry experts.

To participate, sign up with the consultant of your choice for a specific time.


It is advisable to read our CV consultation guide before the consultation.

Alex Dobrescu

Recruiter / 8Bit / 10.00 – 13.00 / Zoom

Paweł Kamiński

Recruitment & Employer Branding Specialist / 11 bit studios / 10.00 – 13.00 / Zoom

Irina Zhizhina-Hrytsiv

HR Specialist / Roboto Global / 10.00 – 13.00 / Zoom